Life has moved along so quickly as we wait to go the the Outbound Conference at Operation Mobilization in September. I work for University of Georgia College of Environmental Science Extention office's Youth Development Program, better know as 4-H. It is the largest youth organization in the world and an answer to prayer while I was working as a day care center and wondering if God was going to give me a job that utilized my gifts and passions.
So three years ago I was hired on as a 4-H program assistant in Fayette County. It was a magical, or providential blend of my passion for youth, as well as my interest in environmental education. I have enjoyed the work so much and it had been the perfect part time job in aiding our family to pay off student loans as well as have time with my family. In may my boss resigned and the district coordinator asked me to interview for his position. Me and jesse have been mulling over it for weeks: the money could be good to save up, but would distract us from our true goals?
All the time, I was filling in for the full time position with a lot of extra hours and events. I went through so many phases of being excited for the great opportunity, to doubting what the time away would effect my family, always praying and asking God that He would direct our path. We finally decided 3 weeks ago that I would go for the position with the rational that it would be a team effort with Jesse to save so that he could get his masters whenever the situation presented itself. We then went on vacation at which I was distracted and preoccupied with work calls and scheduling. The night we got home we both felt it, and as we were talking before bed Jesse implored “don't take that job”. We both knew, and my heart was so filled with joy! A weight I hadn't even realized was there was off and I knew God had provided us with the right path. He gives and takes away, and he provides us as much of the path that we need, sometimes invisible, the perfect balance of faith and security.
So we are looking forward to the Outbound Conference! This will be a week of encouragement and training, afterward we will find out if we are officially accepted by OM, and what field we will be going on, so that we can begin the support raising process. So we are moving full steam ahead with our focus on ministry! As we come upon our three year anniversary week, and Soren's first birthday. we are so excited about the conference at the end of the month. Fall is my favorite season and this has always been a month of change, who know where we will be this time next year!