At work, at the park, at the DMV, it
keeps popping up into conversations...
“Me and my family are moving to
Europe, to a country called Montenegro to be missionaries in August.”
They always have this look on their
face like I'm joking.
I know, I know it seems a little
insane, especially when I think about the baby inside my tummy that I
haven't met yet. But In most ways it doesn't seem insane at all. When
I look at all God has done, it seems cowardly and foolish to consider any other
1000 miracles led us to this point, and that's only the one's i am aware of. It it all began with one simple act of obedience. "Here i am, send me" Those acts obedience takes us into radical situation, where only He can prevail.
So for the last 3 months we have been
raising financial support.
If I thought God had a plan before, His
provision through the generosity of our friends and loved ones, has
been nothing short of overwhelming. Each person that commits to give,
is a new miracle, it's God moving in His church, to complete His
purpose. Although me and Jesse put effort, intention, and prayer into
it, we mostly feel like bystanders watching God work. We are 90%
supported as of today, and again, to think of the families and
sacrificial gifts makes me realize that we are never alone in our
passions when we are apart of the Body of Christ.
“For we are his
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God
prepared beforehand that we may walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:10
Whatever God is calling you to, it's not crazy, He wants all of you, He wants to love through you, and do miracles in you. I dare you to put faith into what you say you believe. what he whispers to you when you worship. He has already prepare the steps, walk in them and experience the wonder.