"The place God calls us to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet."

"The place God calls us to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet."

Monday, June 3, 2013

Self-rightous bull

Our organization gives us one day off a week. 

We honestly never really followed the Sabbath in America (another one of those verses I assumed was for other people) Sundays were more jam-packed if anything. But we tried it here. Every Tuesday, we chill, we unplug, we put the list and stratagies on the shelf for a day. It felt really strange being 'unproductive' all day. Really strange, like it felt wrong.

I was sure it had to be wrong. 

Another strange thing. It felt uncomfortable to be comfortable, to have quiet moment. No statuses, not tantalizing ideas to pin. My mind needed a busy fix, multiple times during the Sabbath I would try to cheat, like "oh, this list if for tomorrow, so it's OK". It just felt so, irresponsible, so un-American.

Something wasn't right.  Come to find out it was me.

I went to scripture, read some books on what Sabbath means (probably during my sabbath, because if is about sabbath it doesn't count right?) and sure enough, it's legit. God wants us to actually rest. REST like nap taking, lounge chair sitting, snacking, taking walks, not answer the phone kind of day. Not once a year, but once a week. 

Even more interesting, it symbolizes something much, much deeper. 

God's day of rest is symbolic for our rest under His salvation. 

Do you get that?

If we are not or cannot honor the symbol of rest, it may indicate that we have real problems with........well..............the Gospel.  

well that's tough to swallow. Hi, my name is Andrea and I struggle with the Gospel. I am self righteous, I subconsciously am still trying to earn favor with God. It's a good feeling, knowing How profound the gospel is in every aspect of life. I am glad every Tuesday I get to wiggle anxiously in my chair and repent of my sanctimonious list making bull-crap, then go paint a picture, or take a nap, or actually sit in a room and meditate on God's goodness. I am telling you guys, this is better than Disneyland. God is like the coolest boss ever.

there is no need to get our panties in a wad about the Sabbath, being legalistic about resting is like the ultimate irony, but I really encourage you to try it. Try and Sabbath it up for 1 day. See what it reveals about your heart.
 Sabbath rest