Fruit bearing is kind of a big deal to Jesus. He talks about it all the time, grape vines, soil, grafting, lots of fruit stuff. He even curses a fig tree for not producing fruit, this is serious business.
Andrea 2013 |
As I read through the plight of God's chosen, the Old testament
offers an entirely new concept on fruit that never occurred to me before. The
entire Jewish community was agrarian, when they had a bad year, they starved,
they simply didn't cancel their cable and eat out less. their 'blessing'
referred to food and child bearing. But every 7th year, they were commanded to
leave the fields for an entire year! They could not touch, work or harvest
anything for an entire year! I only garden for fun, and this would drive me
All that beautiful
fruit, sitting on the trees uneaten, all those grapes, rotting on the vines.
This image horrifies me. HOW INEFFICIENT.
I see two concepts here that I often forget.
Missionaries have this really heretical problem, referring
to 'fruit' as more people who have converted to Christianity or some other
tangible thing. It makes us feel good, makes us feel productive, like all the
effort and money are going somewhere. Moms like this too, we like all our
effort, all out shoe-tying and meal planning to go somewhere. As a missionary
mom, I see two misconceptions I allow my mind to fall into...
#1 - We produce tangible results.
I personally like to produce things, so the biblical concept
of fruit bearing and my obsession with being productive I often forget this
fruit is the fruit of the spirit, not clean house, a well weeded garden,
healthy meal plan, or even new believers in our ministry.This fruit, this
primary command of followers of Christ is only to bear the fruit of the Spirit. Not the 'fruits of the spirit' but one unified organic entity of
love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, patience, and
self-control. So...nothing that looks good on a chart, or
can be programmed into our Google calendar. Nap times, rushed mornings,
screaming children, selfish hearts, spaghetti on the floor. should my desire be
to produce obedient children, order and cleanliness or a joyful heart amidst
the life's inevitable mess?
"He is the vine and I am the branches, his banner over
me is love."
Misconception #2 We are responsible
for what happens to our fruit.
What happens to all that fruit? Does patience and kindness at least result in my laundry getting done? Are people encouraged by God's fruit I my life, do they now
believe in Jesus? Does my life bring people closer to God? What is my
responsibility WITH this fruit.
I believe the Sabbath year is teaching us that GOD not only
produces the fruit, but is sovereign over harvest. That are Sabbath rest extends
to trusting God with our 'life work' fully and completely.
Remember that fruit rotting on the vine? a command from the
almighty! Sometimes the fruit will be visible, sometimes it will turn into
beautiful food for someone, sometimes it will be a part of a greater recipe,
sometimes it will give life fulfilling nourishment to others. BUT Sometimes it will just sit on the
tree. Sometimes it will fall off and rot on the ground, sometimes it will go
unnoticed decomposing in the summer heat.
Horrifying and beautiful.
As mom, sometimes my
life feels flat, after sweeping the kitchen for the 3rd time that day, I feel
it is FRUITLESS, God whispers to me the fruit isn't the clean floor, or happy
kids, it is my heart, what is my heart doing while I sweep?
Sometimes, even our 'spiritual' fruit of a calm spirit and
patient training seems to go nowhere. We must trust God with the harvest. Trust
that even as our fruit sits on the branch untouched, then falls the ground and
rots, it nourishes the soil, decomposing it's life giving elements back into
the soil to produce even more fruit.
We are only to remain in the vine and to bear His Fruit.