December 2010- With the New Year, me and Jesse began to evaluate our goals.
Jump Back. We met at Toccoa Falls College six years ago (2004), both with a passion for ministry: I was convinced I would be a single missionary to Cambodia, He was an older freshman , 21 years old, having come from 3 years as a youth pastor. Our friendship grew our freshman year, I admired his leadership and his hotness, he was intrigue by my unbridled personality and by the beginning of our sophomore her convinced me to keep my passions for mission, but negotiated I drop the ‘single’ part. Thus we started dating (even though all our friends had kissed it goodbye).
We dated two and a half years and spring of our senior year he asked me to marry him, I said yes, and we kissed for the first time ever! It was nice.
2 months later we graduated: Me with a degree in Cross-cultural Studies and Counseling, Jesse with a degree with Philosophy and Religion.
Then, in September, with the cool autumn air, friends, family, and turkey legs we devoted our lives to each other under the waterfall where we first fell and love.

The last 2 years has been a journey. Our primary goal was paying off our student loans so that we could due full time ministry. Dave Ramsey’s ministry help us a ton and I am proud to say that we have paid off $22,000 in student loans in 1 ½ years with a take home pay around 30,000. We have under $10,000 left and plan to be debt free by this summer! However we were also busy doing other things over the past years: we bought a beautiful home (a foreclosure and an absolute blessing) a cute little puppy (a little less of a blessing) ---And the biggest blessing of all, Our Son, Soren Xavier McCourtney!

Jump forward to December 2010. Over the past 2 years we have never lost sight of wanting to do ministry
full-time! With the last of our loans soon to be paid, we are excited about the next stage of our lives! We are currently praying for guidance in which direction to go. We are open to anything God has for us! We are looking into Christian camp ministries that need full time directors/counselors/programmers and we are also researching Missions opportunities and are currently applying with Operation Mobilization International. Please Pray God will guide our hearts to the right opportunity!
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